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XO booklet design

XOXO Booklet

This In-Service leave-behind booklet actually started out as a POS poster concept. The Print Center wanted a poster to illustrate the various oversized paper options. I illustrated over eighty 4" x 4" X and O squares in different styles. These square pieces would be stacked and padded, and adhered to an oversized interactive TIC TAC TOE promotional poster, where customers could choose to tear off a square to win the game, or just choose a design they'd like to use as a bookmark. Sadly, shortly after finishing the Xs and Os for this concept, the pandemic hit, and all of our POS initiatives transferred to email marketing.

Fortunately, when the pandemic wound down, I was able to use some of these illustrations for an In-Service Promo Booklet Giveaway.
XO booklet design
XO booklet design
XO booklet design
XO booklet design
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